الأحد، 20 يوليو 2008

Cold Sores - Facts On Cold Sores

Facts on cold sores can be hard to come by because of urban myths and old wives tales, and this can cause problems as many people suffer from cold sores but do not exactly know why they have them or what they actually are, so I have put his guide together to give you some cold sore facts.Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, and usually the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Cold sores will begin as an irritating, burning and scratching "tingle" that is beneath the skin and non-visible. This initial stage is called the Prodrome stage. Cold sores caused by herpes viruses should be kept as clean and dry as possible.
Cold sores have a relatively classic appearance are small blisters that usually form on the lips or skin around the mouth, nose and on the chin, and they often weep a clear liquid and form scabs after a few days. In rare cases, the doctor may need to take a piece of a blister to analyze it or take a blood sample for testing. Cold sores may appear after cold or flue, fevers, stress, fatigue, injury to the lips or during menstruation, but just because it is called a cold sore, that does not mean you will only get it when you have had a cold. Cold sores may also indicate a deficiency in calcium. Cold sores can also be spread to other areas of the body too such as inside the mouth, and this can be problematic, interfering with talking and eating. If the virus infects the eye, it can damage the surface leading to vision loss.Cold sores are highly contagious, so wash your hands after touching the blister and avoid skin contact with others-- especially infants when the blisters are present. A word of caution: cold sores in a newborn and the chronically ill, should prompt a call to your doctor. Also, when you have a cold sore you want to ensure that you do not share anything that touches your sore with anybody else, and that includes things like cutlery, facecloths, pillows etc.. Also as you may have already guessed, no kissing or any other oral pleasures.Now one of the questions that is often asked is how can you cure a cold sore. Well there are ways to treat the outbreak, both medicinally and naturally, however the virus itself will be with you for life once you have contracted it.
Paul Rooney

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